Christmas Trees
Noble, Grand & Douglas Firs
Jensen’s U-cut was first opened up in 1997 and instantly became a hit. To this day Jensen's U-cut see's some of the very first Christmas tree buyers to hit the muddy trails in November and December on the hunt for the perfect fir. The typical year will render about 500 trees sold via wholesale and around 1000 trees sold as U-cut. The whole family gets involved from helping customers with cutting to baling and loading if needed.
Last Day of the 2024 tree season will be December 8th!

Types of Christmas Trees

Noble Fir
The Noble Fir is offered in "wild" or "sheered" styles. The Wild will resemble the spacious tree seen in the wilderness with heavy branches, while the sheered noble will not have as much space with more limbs and tree like figure

Grand Fir
Grand firs have the most fragrance and will fill your house all winter long with the smell of the forest in which no air freshener could ever mock.

Douglas Fir
Doug fir is the standard tree found all over the northwest and a good chance of one standing in your yard. The Douglas fir will be very hardy for the folks that forget to water!
All three species of trees are beautiful in their own way on the Jensen's U Cut Christmas Tree farm and will sure to bring Christmas cheer to any household!​